API Client ========== Usage ----- Purpose: Interact with the IEX web API. All methods return Python dictionaries. The web API has a large number of endpoints returning data:: >>> from IEXTools import IEXAPI >>> api = IEXAPI() >>> meths = [d for d in dir(api) if not d.startswith('_')] >>> for i, j, k in zip(meths[::3], meths[1::3], meths[2::3]): ... print(i.ljust(20), j.ljust(20), k.ljust(20)) ... BASE batch book chart collections company crypto deep deep_book deep_trades delayed_quote dividends earnings earnings_today effective_spread financials hist iex_auction iex_corp_actions iex_dividends iex_historical iex_historical_daily iex_next_day_ex_div iex_official_price iex_short_interest iex_stats_intraday iex_stats_recent iex_stats_records iex_symbols iex_threshold_securities largest_trades last logo market news ohlc operational_halt peers previous price quote relevant sector_performance security_event short_sale_price_test_status splits stats stock_list symbols system_event timeout timeseries today_ipos tops trade_break trading_status upcoming_ipos Users should consult the docstrings of a given function or IEX's docs for additional information on how to use a given endpoint. All endpoints documented in the IEX API docs are implemented in this class:: >>> help(api.ohlc) Help on method ohlc in module IEX_API: ohlc(symbol: str) -> dict method of IEX_API.IEX_API instance Returns the open, high, low, and close prices for a given company. https://iextrading.com/developer/docs/#ohlc >>> apple_ohlc = api.ohlc('aapl') >>> print(IEX_API.pretty_json(apple_ohlc)) { "close": { "price": 204.47, "time": 1541797200568 }, "high": 206.01, "low": 202.25, "open": { "price": 205.55, "time": 1541773800180 } } All symbols available on the API can be retrived using the `symbols` method:: >>> all_symbols = api.symbols() >>> len(all_symbols) 8756 >>> api.symbols()[1] {'symbol': 'AA', 'name': 'Alcoa Corporation', 'date': '2018-11-09', 'isEnabled': True, 'type': 'cs', 'iexId': '12042'} Module Docs ----------- .. automodule:: IEXTools.IEX_API :members: .. autoclass:: IEXAPI :members: Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`