Parser ====== Usage ----- Purpose: Parse the binary PCAP / HIST files offered by IEX. To create a Parser object simply supply the file path as an argument. >>> from IEXTools import Parser, messages >>> p = Parser(r'IEX TOPS Sample\20180103_IEXTP1_TOPS1.6.pcap') >>> p Parser("IEX TOPS Sample\\20180103_IEXTP1_TOPS1.6.pcap", tops=True, deep=False) This instantiates a Parser object with the pcap file opened. You can also optionally specify what type of HIST file you are loading, either TOPS (`tops=True`) or DEEP (`deep=True`). Use the `get_next_message` method of the Parser object to return a message object. The message objects are documented in the module. You can optionally specify a list of message classes to restrict the returned messages to only those types. >>> allowed = [messages.TradeReport] >>> p.get_next_message(allowed) TradeReport(flags=64, timestamp=1514984427833117218, symbol='ZVZZT', size=975, price_int=100150, trade_id=577243) The last message retrieved can also be accessed through the Parser object itself with the `message` attribute. Similarly the message type can be accessed as `Parser.message_type` and the binary encoded message can be accessed with `Parser.message_binary`. The message object also has several attributes that may be accessed (varies by object). >>> p.message TradeReport(flags=64, timestamp=1514984427833117218, symbol='ZVZZT', size=975, price_int=100150, trade_id=577243) >>> p.message.date_time datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 3, 13, 0, 27, 833117, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) >>> p.message.price 10.015 >>> p.message_type 84 >>> p.message_binary b'@"\xca=uON\x06\x15ZVZZT\xcf\x03\x00\x006\x87\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xdb\xce\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' The program also allows you to use it with a context manager and loop through it like a file:: with Parser(file_path) as iex_messages: for message in iex_messages: do_something(message) Benchmarks On my personal laptop (Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon, Windows 10):: Beginning test - 1,000,000 messages - all messages, not printing Parsed 1,000,000 messages in 52.2 seconds -- 19141.6 messages per second Beginning test - 1,000,000 messages - only TradeReport and QuoteUpdate messages, not printing Parsed 1,000,000 messages in 54.0 seconds -- 18512.9 messages per second By not specifying the `allowed` argument the parser returns 1,000,000 parsed messages approximately 3% faster. However, in order to return 1,000,000 parsed messages the Parser with the `allowed` argument set may have to read through more than 1,000,000 messages. Testing suggests that actually decoding the message takes about 10 microseconds (130,000 messages per second). Module Docs ----------- .. automodule:: IEXTools.IEXparser :members: .. autoclass:: Parser :members: Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`